Saturday, June 16, 2007

Prove al basso - Bass guitar reharsals 2

Ciao ragazzi!
In questo nuovo episodio mi diverto a suonare praticamente a orecchio un capolavoro di hard rock/primo heavy metal che si intitola Paranoid, dall'omonimo album dei Black Sabbath del 1970. Spero vi piaccia..

Hey guys!
In this brand new episode i enjoy to play practically by ear a masterpiece of hard rock/heavy metal music which is called Paranoid from the homonymous album of Black Sabbath from 1970. Hope you'll appreciate..



sugA said...

hey hey!! nice job!!!
that`s my DR!!
well i miss the chats with you my friend!!!
--we are both busy, as we are both important personalities..:P hahah

the next time i want to see your face!!! rocking!!!

you know.. moving your neck!!! as you always do!!

time to go!!!
and take care!!!
Black Sabbath ROCKS!!!

sugA said...

and change your t-shirt!!! is the same as in the other video!!!
dirty boy!!!
you should be cleany boy :P

of CUORSE (lol) i`m kidding!!


pd_ i know it is of COURSE!!!!!!